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of Styracosaurus albertensis

Welcome to Dinosaur Anatomy. The work on this site is from a personal project I recently completed.

These anatomical breakdowns of muscle and bone were made as a research exercise towards building a Styracosaurus model with skin and textures. The breakdowns helped me block in the main masses that make up the anatomy. Some of the bones were not modeled in detail (for example the skull bones) and only the most superficial layer of muscles is visible.

The skeleton was based on photographs and drawings from obser-vation at a museum. I used two books as the main sources of reference for muscle placement and naming:

"An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists"

by W. Ellenberger, H. Dittrich and H. Baum

"Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist"

by Stephen Rogers Peck


Anatomical features change between dinosaur species and groups, notably the shape of the pelvis in ornitischians (like Styraco-saurus) and saurischians (which includes sauropods and thero-pods). In order to use these diagrams to reconstruct other species, the muscle attachment points to the pelvis would need to be adapted to the equivalent bone landmarks. Still, I hope these diagrams and renders will be useful to other paleoartists.

All images are copyright © 2013 Juan I. de Santiago. The content on this site may be copied and reproduced for non-commercial purposes only.

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